Occupation history
The first mention of buildings on the current site dates from 1564 or 1565. A house on this site was then purchased by Douwe Douwema and his wife Tieth Abbema. Dendrochronological research shows that the oldest construction phase dates from 1559-1569. This concerns the beam layer above the ground floor of the longitudinal building on the north side. It is not known whether the buildings to the south were also part of the property at this time.
On February 3, 1576, Sydts Bottnya and his wife Tet van Douwama sold Seeckeren Huysinge, Thuyn and 't Hof Over 't Water, with all their accessories, annexes and court rights to the couple Mr. Focco Rommarts and Johanna van den Tempel for 1160 gold guilders. It is located on the water running from 't Henxstewat past 't Heeren hoff ten suyden.
Via the councilor at the Court of Friesland Focco Rommarts and his wife Johanna van den Tympele, the house came into the hands of Dr. Jan Loo and his wife Sijouck Abbedr who acquired it together with the carpenter Tijerck Corneelisz and his wife Jantie Cleijsdr. The purchase price was 1630 gold guilders.
Dendrochronological research shows that a renovation also took place in the corner house on the southwest in the early seventeenth century.
The city map of 1603 also shows an important change in buildings compared to earlier maps: originally there were one or two buildings on the south side parallel to the northern house.
Little is known of ownership or habitation in the seventeenth century. In 1606 it appears that Jel Aelue, widow of the famous geus Gemme van Burmania, lived there. The owner is the otherwise unknown Bartelmes Aeckes (Bartholomeus Eekesz). It is not known how he obtained it. The height of the stop (for six chimneys) shows that it was a fairly large house.
The next transfer of ownership took place in 1681. When Sophia Loudewell sold it to Johannes van Lennep, it turned out that the house was called the 'olde signorie'. That name was still in use in 1709.
From the time of its sale by Sophia Loudwel, the house was owned and used by members of the Frisian elite who were often employed by the region.
On April 8, 1709, the heirs Van Scheltinga and Van Lennep sold Stania to Gerard Hixenius, Receiver General of Friesland and his wife Uijlckien, for 3,275 carolus guilders. In 1709-1710 they must have been the clients of the major renovation to the building form as we largely know it today.
Dendrochronological research points to a renovation in 1709-1710.
Dr. Jacobus Hixenius, lawyer, sells his large estate to Pieter Ramaker, attorney general of Friesland, and his wife Itia Maria Nauta in 1745.
house on the Ossekop, the garden behind it and a stable and coach house on the corner of the Blokhuissteeg for 8,500 carolus guilders.
The sisters Geertruid Hester and Frouk Gerharda Nauta, heirs of their father Marius Nauta, sold their house and garden on the Ossekop to Sible Cats and his wife Riemke van Wiarda in 1797 for 7,250 carolus guilders. The resident was the late Marius Nauta and his wife.
On May 3, 1819, Jentje Cats Siblesz publicly sold a mansion near the Ossenkop on the Rhalapipe, district C no. 287, inhabited by the owner Sibles Cats. It is described as a house with many hung and unhunged upstairs and downstairs rooms, kitchen, pantry, provision rooms, linen and peat attics, garden, bleach, laundry room and many amenities. The buyer is Gerardus Samuel Brantsma for 8,000 guilders.
On February 6, 1843, Cornelia Charlotta baroness van Asbeck, (married to Eduard Lamoraal baron Rengers) and Petrus, Gerrit Ferdinand, Anna Odillia Catharina and Jan Albert Willinge Brantsma (heirs of Gerard Samuel Brandsma) sold to Jan Bieruma Oosting, married to Agathe Victoire Brantsma 37 / 40 part of the house C 287. The purchase price is 8,325 guilders. However, an advertisement in the Leeuwarder Courant shows a bid of 8,989 guilders.
On January 3, 1851, the house was put up for sale again. The bid is 7,307 guilders. The sales price remains unknown for the time being.
In total, the house changed hands no fewer than seven times in the nineteenth century. The sales price gradually increased from 8,000 guilders to 12,553 guilders from 1819 to 1889. In 1864 the house was transferred from Mr. A.E. M. de Swart to Mr. WJ van Welderen Baron Rengers. In 1873 Rengers sold it to T. Gratama. In 1881 Gratama sold it to the Beekhuis family.
Ossekop 13 would then remain within this family for generations. In 1889, at 9,202 guilders, it was suddenly worth a lot less. Probably because the house was sold within the family. From the home of the Beekhuis family, the building slowly grew into a large law firm. In 1981 it was even expanded with the building next door: Ossekop 11.
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